Daniel Naudé: A Decade of Seeing
Feb 13 – Mar 1, 2019
Everard Read London presents
Daniel Naudé  A Decade of Seeing
13 February - 1 March 2019
"The animal has secrets which, unlike the secrets of caves, mountains, seas, are specifically addressed to man." - John Berger, Why Look at Animals?
Everard Read London is pleased to present A Decade of Seeing by acclaimed South African photographer, Daniel Naudé.
Over the past decade, Naudé has practised capturing and perfecting moments of stillness in nature. This exhibition encompasses a critical selection of works from his recent projects: Animal Farm (2007-2012), Sightings of the Sacred: Cattle in Uganda, Madagascar and India (2012-2014), Cattle of the Ages – Ankole cattle in South Africa - a project with South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa (2017) as well as his newest works of Xhosa cattle on the shore of the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
From his early encounters with stray dogs in Africa, to his majestic images of Ankole cattle in Uganda and the Zebu cattle in Madagascar, Naudé manages to create the impression of time standing still. His portraits are also an attempt to create an enduring memory of what humanity is slowly and surely destroying.
 "My decision to take a particular image of an animal emerges from a reciprocity between us, a singular moment in which my presence and that of the animal merge. This moment is not stage-managed. .... The animal's bearing cannot be arranged or controlled. It does not pose; there is no pretence or acting. .... Despite this, or perhaps because of it, it is possible to capture chraracter, to create portraits of individuals rather than records of perfect specimens."       -  Daniel NaudéÂ